Parenting Skills and Fear of Failure


These resources are now owned and operated by Child Health BC who is making them freely available to parents, caregivers, families and anyone supporting healthy child development in the early years.

Lack of Experience with Babies can Lead to Parental Uncertainty, Especially When Baby has a Difficult Temperament

Raising an infant is a challenging task particularly for those individuals who grew up in smaller families with little exposure to babies. In the first few months babies may not be giving cues, such as smiling, that parents can easily read, but babies do let you know when things aren’t right and 20% of them have a difficult temperament which can cause parents to experience feelings of hopelessness.

Observe Your Infant and Read Their Signals

It is important that parents learn to observe their infant, read their baby’s signals, and listen to their own feelings in regards to the baby, while not becoming disheartened. Reassuring signals, such as a smile, will eventually occur at later stages of infant development. Till then, knowing that your baby is growing, sleeping, eating, peeping and pooing are signals that you are doing a good job.


Dr. Carolyn Steinberg