Talk Show: Why Read to Kids?


These resources are now owned and operated by Child Health BC who is making them freely available to parents, caregivers, families and anyone supporting healthy child development in the early years.

Read to Children Early and Often

Early relationships between caregivers and infants, including the serve and return of speaking and reading to even the youngest babies, are critical to growth and maturation. Teachers notice that many children enter school with little or no exposure to books and reading. There are strategies for reading with children, for instance, the quiet alert state is the best time to read to newborns and with toddlers the back and forth exchange should affirm their approximations and extend their language.

Reading is a Shared Experience that Helps Build Relationships

It is recommended that children hear 1000 books before they are five years old. Ways to do this include public libraries and community programs. Information from the stories as well as the conversations that evolve later are part of the way children have vicarious experiences and develop empathy. The reading habit is important to continue with older children as well, and family members can be role models.


Estelle Paget, Daphne Macnaughton, Dr. Thomas Boyce, Dr. Janet Werker