Talk Show: Nurturing and How it Contributes to Social and Emotional Development


These resources are now owned and operated by Child Health BC who is making them freely available to parents, caregivers, families and anyone supporting healthy child development in the early years.

Everyday Actions are Part of Your Child’s Learning Processes

The early months and years of a child’s life are an extraordinary opportunity for parents to have a positive impact. Infants and children give signals that generate responses from their parents, reinforcing the child and helping with all types of development. The serve-and-return between babies and their caregivers are how babies brains grow. Actions don’t have to be elaborate; your voice, your touch, reading to baby, and playing are all part of the process. Relying on friends, extended family and the wider community are time-honoured ways to to share the responsibilities of nurturing your child.

Indigenous Communities are Child-Centred

A safe environment for indigenous children acknowledges their identity and encourages connecting and belonging as critical parts of the nurturing process. We are socialized beings and need to be taught. Indigenous communities have faced barriers disrupting their needs. These communities are overcoming barriers through modeling and mentoring.


Estelle Paget, Dr. Andrew Macnab, Shelley Cardinal