Talk Show: The Anxiety Trap


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Anxiety is Common in School Aged Children

In “The Anxiety Trap” Clinical Psychologist Dr. Tisha Gangopadhyay explains, “Anxiety knows no boundaries and can become a problem for young people regardless of their ethnic background, upbringing or socio-economic level.”  Some level of anxiety is normal, adaptive and even protective. In this interview, with KidCareCanada Executive Director Estelle Paget, Dr. Gangopadhyay describes normal anxiety and anxiety disorders in young people. She provides strategies for families so they can “shore up” their children.

Psychologist Shares Clinical Perspectives and Strategies

“Parents are children’s first teachers”, explains Dr. Gangopadhyay. They play a critical role in their children’s lives from birth onward. Life today has many challenges related to the working lives of parents and the omnipresence of devices that youth – and their parents – are attracted to. Activities can play a role in diminishing or increasing a child’s anxiety. Parents can help reduce the anxiety their children experience and build their children’s confidence and self-esteem. Dr. Gangopadhyay discusses “perfectionism” and “making mistakes” and how these can hinder or help a child’s healthy development.

Click here for additional comments from Dr. Tisha Gangopadhyay.


Dr. Tisha Gangopadhyay, Estelle Paget