Vital People, CHEK News’ weekly news feature series, sponsored by The Victoria Foundation. It focuses on stories of people and organizations dealing with issues covered in the foundation’s annual Victoria’s Vital Signs® community report. Thanks to CHEK News’ Vee Cooper who interviewed Dr. Stefanie Green, Maternity Physician in Victoria, Shane Robinson, KidCareCanada’s first web designer and developer, and KidCareCanada founder and executive director, Estelle Paget with two of her little grandsons. Vee integrated relevant clips from KidCareCanada’s videos. THANK YOU to Vee Cooper, the team at CHEK News, The Victoria Foundation, and everyone who made this video possible.
CHEK News’ “Vital People”
These resources are now owned and operated by Child Health BC who is making them freely available to parents, caregivers, families and anyone supporting healthy child development in the early years.