
We are delighted to share these heartfelt comments, and with your permission we’ll share your testimonials too. Please email info@kidcarecanada.org




“KidCareCanada is now one of the most effective organizations for parents and other caregivers operating in BC today.

With the focus on the social and emotional foundations of child development, KidCareCanada has honed in on the most important facets that parents can influence, as it is social and emotional well-being that best ensure a child’s success in not only their interpersonal, but also their educational experiences.

In other words, through KidCareCanada, Estelle Paget has achieved her goal of translating original research into an accessible form that parents and other caregivers use, and in so doing, has made a difference in the lives and futures of young children.

The work of this small but powerful organization provides parents and other caregivers with the tools and the confidence they need to better ensure the optimal development of young children. ”

Dr. Janet Werker FRSC, Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Psychology UBC, Director of the Infant Studies Program Recipient of the SSHRC Gold Medal, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council highest research honour.




“This idea of quality, research backed information, presented in an easy to absorb format and available to all seemed too good to be true.

These videos promote both social and emotional development of newborns and do not preach, but TEACH how this can happen with small, practical ideas for all new parents. Many videos also validate the range of emotions and challenges of new parenthood and provide resources for those in need of extra support.

… I am even more hopeful that … the day will arrive when every public health nurse in the province of BC will be able to promote this outstanding work for their clients, that health care providers from doulas to doctors will know the name KidCareCanada and use this body of innovative work as a resource for themselves, their students and their patients.”

Dr. Stefanie Green
Maternity Physician



“KidCareCanada has found a way, backed up by the research, to help parents from all backgrounds learn WHY early nurture is important, and HOW to do it!

They manage to entice some of the world’s leaders in early childhood research and practice to share their knowledge in language that appeals to parents, caregivers and the professionals who support them.

KidCareCanada produces high quality, accessible, culturally respectful and trustworthy videos that are a delight to watch.

Every childcare provider would benefit by having, at their fingertips, the current research on infant and child development. These videos provide an excellent tool for Early Childhood Educators.”

Indira Samarasekera, O.C.
President Emerita, University of Alberta






“What makes these videos so innovative is that they are based on current theory. So very much of parenting information available online is merely personal experience and not validated by good research. In addition, much of the parenting information [available online] is biased by the promoters’ financial gains.”

Dr. Carolyn Steinberg
MD, FRCPC, Clinical Associate Professor UBC,
Medical Leader, Richmond Hospital, Early Childhood Mental Health Program






“The engaging videos that Kid Care Canada has produced about the benefits of infant massage and bonding with infants through touch has been invaluable to me. I really appreciated how you brought a variety of experts together to share their knowledge on this topic.

Thank you!”


Mother of four young children who has been using KidCareCanada resources since her first baby was born




“KidCare Canada, under Estelle Paget’s excellent leadership, has been an innovator in evidence-based knowledge mobilization on early childhood development.

In all the videos from KidCare Canada, it is evident how much Estelle cares about multiple perspectives with videos highlighting children, interviews with parents, practitioners and researchers, beautifully complimented with observational clips of early childcare settings at home – everyone has a voice including the child, and that is brought out beautifully by KidCare Canada.

I can attest to the great impact that these videos have in advancing best practices as well as spurring new research ideas.

Estelle … has a passion for understanding early childhood development and a drive to bring that knowledge to each and every individual in the community. She deeply cares about every child, about every child’s home, and about every child’s broader community. She works hard to bring knowledge about early childhood at virtually no cost to community stakeholders.”

Padmapriya Kandhadai
Researcher and Instructor, University of British Columbia



“I am a parent of two adult children and grandma to a dearly loved 8-month-old granddaughter. When my babies were small, I of course cuddled and held them as much as possible to help develop the bond between us. I did not have any professional instruction, but I massaged my babies from time to time on their backs and upper bodies.

I learned so much from watching the KidCareCanada videos on baby massage. By watching the videos, I learned that one can massage a baby over their whole body, including their hands, fingers, and toes. Now when I babysit my granddaughter, I massage her over her whole body and she just relaxes into it and loves it.

The KidCareCanada baby massage videos also point out that it is good to talk to and sing to baby while doing the baby massage. I always sing and talk to my granddaughter when I give her a massage.”

Mother and Grandmother to 8 month old baby girl.






“After my child was born I didn’t understand what was “wrong” with me. I came across your series of videos on postpartum depression. They really saved me. I have now shared these with my friends.”

Mother who experienced postpartum depression




“Not only is the information in the videos they produce informative, it is also visually stimulating and a great way to get honest, dependable tips on everyday parenting. It is one-stop shopping for new parents and seasoned parents alike — leading to healthier and happier babies.

The more I view KidCareCanada resources, the more I believe they would be of value to every child care provider.

These resources have the potential to improve the quality of child care for every child in the province.

As I am of First Nations descent, Estelle was excited to have me vet the content of their programming before it went public, something that is very admirable of her to do. She was very sensitive about not being offensive in any way to new parents, especially those who identify as being Indigenous.”

Kristina Verruyt
Legislative Bureau Chief, Shaw TV, Indigenous Advisor




“KidCareCanada has been a fundamental resource for Thiago and I from the moment we knew we had a baby on the way. We loved the simple but complete resources that were offered. We connected with the videos and used them as our guide to the late term of my pregnancy and are still using the videos. Sam is now 6 months old, and we continue to reflect back to what we learned in the last year. I only hope all mothers and families benefit from the learning like we did! Love love love!”

Mother of 6 month old son





“I grew up in a drug home and was homeless as a child. My mother was completely detached and uninterested in me. I can’t blame my parents for being the way they are, their parents were even way worse to them, and my parents never got help for themselves to deal with their trauma, or learned new methods to nurture or parent. Thank you for doing what you do. “


First-time Mother who experienced trauma throughout her childhood






“The ‘Love is not Enough’ video states they can interview prospective  parents and predict how a child not yet born will respond to attachment issues at age one.. that’s pretty amazing.”

Mother of a well-loved toddler







“I love being a dad and couldn’t wait to be one. Yet after my daughter was born, I experienced unanticipated emotions. I knew about KidCareCanada because of a personal connection. I watched all of the videos for fathers and found them so helpful. Today, I experience great joy in my role as dad. Keep up the good work. Those videos can change lives.”

Father of a pre-school daughter






“We were street kids. We didn’t know anything about parenting. We were teenagers when I found out I was pregnant. Everyone told us we would be terrible parents and not to keep the baby. We wanted to prove them wrong. We participated in KidCareCanada videos when our daughter was four months old. My Indigenous boyfriend is still the best dad ever. I went back to school and learned about early childhood. There have been some tough times but our daughter is now doing well in kindergarten”

Parents who turned their life around






“I found myself talking to my son and said, “What am I doing? He can’t understand me. You are so stupid!” And so I stopped talking to him. Then I learned from your resources that one of the most important things a parent can do is have a back and forth conversation with babies, even though they can’t really say anything! They actually to understand a lot – even if they don’t yet understand the words. That is how they learn to talk. I am so glad I learned this – and sad that I felt stupid talking to my son.”

Father of a one-year-old





“Thank you for showing me the video that explains how important it is to talk to a new baby. I had no idea! I have since continued to talk to him and he is now “talking back”. I leave spaces for him in the “conversation” and he looks right at me and makes little sounds. I feel he is now off to a wonderful start in life because I learned so much from that video. I also touch him as much as possible and sing to him and he loves it!”

Mother (with an MA in education) of an 8 week old baby boy






“My mother-in-law kept telling me not to pick up the baby when she cries. She said I would ruin her. I told you about this and how I don’t want to go against my husband’s mother and I DO want to do what’s right for my baby. Thank you for suggesting I watch KidCareCanada videos WITH my mother-in-law. That was such a good idea. It has changed things around here and now my mother-in-law tells her friends that picking up a crying baby is good for the baby!”

New Canadian mother of a 7 month old daughter