Exciting News! KIDCARECANADA founder/Executive Director, Estelle Paget is shown here at the Shaw studio during the filming of a new series of "Conversations with KIDCARECANADA."
Yesterday we worked with some wonderful guests, like Registered Speech and Language Pathologist, Caitlin Bittman, and pediatrician, Dr. Andrew Macnab. More guests are on the schedule for next week and the series will air soon.
We'll be sharing additional information over the next few days and weeks.
We thank filmmaker Alisa Kerr (Hi-Def Productions) and Shaw Producer Ryan Spedding (@rspedding) for their dynamic collaboration. Big thanks also to other Shaw TV South Island folks, including Kim Robinson & John Mackenzie (Producers) and Interns Geoffrey Hendrie & Sebastian Sutter-Schimeck (Camera operators) .
The format is the same as our first season.
AND…. If you missed our first season, or want to revisit it, you can watch here: https://kidcarecanada.org/video-section/shaw-tv-conversations
We hope you enjoy the insights this series provides as knowledgeable guests focus on how early life experiences have a life-long impact on children, families and society.
Our goal is to share key messages for healthy development.