Our series of Talk Show videos "Conversations with KIDCARECANADA" was originally screened on Shaw TV South Vancouver Island. In these videos, guests and videos provide key messages for healthy development.
New episodes from "Season Two" (airing in 2018) are now available via the following link:
Note that additional information related to two of the Season Two videos is available in PDF format:
The Anxiety Trap, an interview with Estelle Paget and Dr. Tisha Gangopadhyay
Gift of the Gab, an interview with Estelle Paget and Caitlin Bittman
Also available are episodes from the 2017 "Season One" 6-part series aired on Shaw TV Vancouver and area (Channel 4) and a Community Producer Video (also from Shaw TV South Vancouver Island) featuring the "ABC's For New Parents" book.
We focus on how early life experiences have a life-long impact on children, families and society.