With the help of the management and an amazing crew at Shaw TV, KIDCARECANADA has been developing a series of TV shows to be broadcast on Vancouver Island and widely shared. We are very grateful for this opportunity.
Our goals: to inform families and communities about the importance of early nurture and to share KIDCARECANADA video resources.
We wish to recognize the leadership of Shaw TV who believes the information in the KIDCARECANADA videos is of critical importance to all members of the community, especially families. Shaw TV has applied their expertise and resources to produce this six episode series. From six different perspectives the shows explain that early nurture puts babies and children on the path for lifelong mental and physical health, resiliency and happiness, and that it is never too late to nurture our children. We also acknowledge the experts, including a father and a mother, who generously share their knowledge.
The experts include: Pediatrician Dr. Andrew Macnab; National Indigenous Advisor for the Canadian Red Cross, Ms. Shelley Cardinal; Retired Educator and Project Leader for PCEC 1000 X 5 Children’s Book Recycling Project, Ms. Daphne Macnaughton; Father of three, Mr. Dave Gamble; Mother of a daughter with profound hearing loss, Ms. Amy Ho; Medical Health Officer, Island Health Authority, Dr. Dee Hoyano; Early Childhood Educator, Dr. Enid Elliot; Manager Maternal and Women’s Health, BC Ministry of Health, Ms. Carolyn Solomon; Executive Director Saanich Neighbourhood Place, Ms. Colleen Hobson.
So… we will let you know (through this website, through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kidcarecanada, through Twitter https://twitter.com/KidCareCanada and through messages to our KIDCARECANADA members) about when the shows will be screened.
Though still “in production,” we are very excited about this project and we’re happy to be able give everyone advance notice.
There is more to come…
Once again we want to thank everyone at Shaw TV! They have taken a leadership role to ensure that Vancouver Island residents as well as those living elsewhere are informed about the critically important messaging in KIDCARECANADA videos.