In Memoriam: Clint Nickerson


At KIDCARECANADA we believe that early nurturing can help to create individuals who are comfortable in their own skin, get along well with others, learn well, are productive and perform acts of kindness throughout their life.

Clint Nickerson was one such person. He knew how to have fun, golfing and following his other pursuits. He formed strong friendships and was a highly productive and well-respected broadcaster and producer. He mentored young people and  contributed in many ways to making life better for others.

We are especially bereft at KIDCARECANADA because Clint was the loving and much-loved husband of our talented video and graphic developer, Alisa Kerr. They were a team like no other and we understand the immensity of this loss to Alisa and to all who loved Clint.

Among his many generous acts, Clint  donated his time and expertise to be “the voice” on two of our KIDCARECANADA videos. You can hear him here:

We mourn the loss of this wonderful guy, share in Alisa's bereavement and treasure Clint's voice on our videos.