Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies Conference

Sheila Duffy and Estelle Paget

Dr. Andrew Macnab, Eva Bild (Mothering Touch) and Estelle Paget felt privileged to present at the 2020 Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Conference, along with Dr. Joanna Cheek, who participated electronically. Their session, “Anxiety and Depression: Voices that Support Expectant and New Parents” was well received and included this 4:13 minute video of “Mothers’ Voices”

The Conference provided two full days of enriching learning and networking opportunities, not the least was meeting up face-to-face with long-time partners, such as Sheila Duffy, Director, Pacific Post Partum Society, featured here with Estelle Paget, Executive Director, KidCareCanada Society. It was heartwarming to be approached by educators and health providers who use KidCareCanada resources and “love them!”