
When more babies have a healthy start to life everyone benefits – the child, the family and the community.

With your donation you are contributing to building future citizens who are mentally, physically and emotionally healthy — and resilient. Yes! There is a connection between early nurturing and healthy brain development and lifelong health.

Whether you decide to make a one-time contribution or become a monthly donor, your support will allow us to develop more amazing resources and make them available free of charge to parents, caregivers and professionals via this website.

To donate please click the button below.

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Any donation of $20 or more is eligible for a donation tax receipt.

You can also mail a cheque payable to KidCareCanada Society, 5361 Parker Ave. Victoria BC, V8Y 2N1, Canada.

KidCareCanada Society can also accept donations of securities. Donors receive a tax receipt for the market value of the stock and will be exempt from Capital Gains tax. Please contact for more information.

For more information or to fund a specific project please email