As of the end of June 2017, KIDCARECANADA videos have had over 291,000 views – so we know you are watching! And we thank you for that.
Now we are asking you to let us know how YOU feel about our work. If you can tell us about things we’ve done that have been important (relevant/helpful etc.) to you, we can ensure that we do more of the same! One way you can help us improve is by sharing what you see as meaningful thoughts and ideas from the experts we showcase in our video collection.
#KidCareCanadaQuote is a hashtag we’ve been using on Facebook and Twitter as a way of sharing quotes from our videos. So far we’ve selected a generous handful that speak to the reason WHY we have created our collection of videos – to distribute information about child nurturing that might not otherwise be easily accessible to parents and caregivers. And we’ve posted them on Social Media with links to their videos of origin.
We’d love you to do the same. Find a KIDCARECANADA video (use the "Videos" tab in the yellow bar near the top of this page to get started) with a quote that speaks to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re repeating a quote we’ve already shared or if you chose a different one. Share it on Social Media with the hashtag #KidCareCanadaQuote and an explanation of why you think it’s worth sharing. Share the link to the video as well, if you can!
We’ll be scanning to see how the #KidCareCanadaQuote hashtag is being used and we will make decisions about our future based on what you’re telling us.
You can see the current list of OUR #KidCareCanadaQuote selections below (please scroll down).
If you’re not inclined to share online, we’d still love to hear from you. You can email your thoughts to the KIDCARECANADA executive director Estelle Paget, with your thoughts – you can even set up a time to speak with Estelle on the telephone.
“In quoting others, we cite ourselves.”
wrote Julio Cortázar in Around the Day in Eighty Worlds (1986)
We are a Registered Charity, RN 85761 5314 RR001, incorporated in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
If you prefer to use our contact form, or snail mail, you can find information here:
Here are some recent #KidCareCanadaQuote items – with links:
"When you connect with the baby… that connection last for the rest of your life" Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn
Eva Bild
"None of the senses is more important than the sense of touch"
"Babies who experience early loving relationships have a better chance for lifelong health and happiness." Dr. Evan Adams
"Kindness is what gives rise to compassion" Dr. Dan Siegel
"Babies are always listening" Dr. Janet Werker
“Early years are foundational for lifelong mental & physical health”
“We need to nurture basic scientific curiousity…. Kids love it”
Is a new sibling in your child's future?
"explain your child's changing role" #KIDCARECANADAQUOTE
"Important for your child… that you have natural communication" Dr. Karsten Koch
"I like how you did that… you regulated your emotions there"
Dr. Helen Neville
Re: babies: "early loving relationships… better chance for lifelong health." Dr Evan Adams
"He's done a lot of comforting" Dr. Padmapriya Kandhadai
"Baby needs to be secure and safe.. the whole time in bath" Dr. Stefanie Green
- "Resilience… really begins as a social factor" Dr. Gabor Maté
"The brain is always changing"
Dr. Karen Pape